It is a 750 Rounds Per Minute Kinetic/Stasis SMG with a Magazine size of 27. Other basic barrels in the first column, like. These two perks help improve the basic mechanics of the sidearm. Arrow Head Break and Accurized Rounds grant Brigand's Law a +5 to handling and a +10 to range, respectively. The God Roll for Brigand's Law in Destiny 2 is Arrow Head Break, Accurized Rounds, Pugilist, Voltshot, and Right Hook. In PvP, Snorri FR5 is proving to be one of the best. It can roll with everything that a PvE-focused fusion rifles needs, including some bonuses like the new Omolon Fluid Dynamics origin trait.However, the ideal God Roll will have Arrowhead Break and Ricochet Rounds to control recoil, increase handling, and improve stability significantly.Killing Wind will grant a temporary … These will have the most impact on how the gun functions. No reprieve god roll Players in Destiny 2 are not able to craft Jurassic Green and should prioritize the two main Traits.